Welcome to the Assini's Home Page

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What's this website all about ?

This website exists to help all members of the dispersed Assini family meet each other and share their knowledge about the history of the family.
With the help of Internet, for the first time, people from all the branches of our family and living in all parts of the world will be able to "meet" and "talk".
If you like puzzles you can think of the history of our family as a giant puzzle made of millions of pieces. Most of them are lost for ever but some can still be found into our memories.
Nobody has ever recomposed the puzzle or know what the whole picture looks like.
Now that the World has become a small electronic village we can sit around a (virtual) table and try to put together these broken pieces and get a glimpse of what the life of ours ancestors has been.
What's even more interesting we will be able to meet new, unknown and foreign people that nevertheless have something in common with us.

Who did it and why ?

My name is Pasqualino "Titto" Assini and I am the author of this page.
In the summer of 1996 I made a small research on the Internet to see if some other Assini had been touched by the Net craziness.I found a couple of emails and I came in touch with Mark Assini from the USA.
At the start of November Josè Assini Perdomo contacted me. He had had the same idea of looking for relatives on the Net. I suggested him that we might try to meet others Assinis and put all the informations about the family on the Web. A few days after he passed me a list of emails of Assinis that Fernando Assini had found.
So I thought: "there is definitly a pattern here !".
If three people that don't know each other lose some of their valuable time to look for other people with the same name there must be a reason.
It was time to "borrow" some webspace from my company's website and write down a few pages to make this mutual search a little easier.
The first problem was the choice of the language to use. As we are an italian family, italian might seems the obvious choice.
Unluckily most of the youngest Assinis living abroad probably don't understand this obscure mediterranean language. So I decided to write in english and translate later to italian (when and if I will have the time to do it).
Anyway there is no reason to stick to a "standard language". If you want to contribute to this pages feel free to use the language that you prefer.

A few words of warning:

And now that all has been said
Stand up and rejoyce, the Assini's virtual home is born !

OK, now you are ready to take a look at:
The Assini's FAQ
Whatever you wanted to know but you were afraid to ask
The Tree of the Family
All the little we know about our ancestors in a neat tabular format
The Assini's Directory
Find more Assini that you thought possible, on the Web and into the plain old World
Points of view
How does our family history looks like seen from different points into the Tree

What, your name is not there ?
Don't wait, act now !

If you are a real Assini, don't fear anything and:

You can send your email to titto@kamus.it

In Brasil you can contact Josè Assini Perdomo

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Page http://www.kamus.it/assini/index.html
created: 11 November 1996 revised: 16 July 2008
Send your comments to Titto